كورس رائع جدا عن الذكاء الصناعى وكيفية عمله وبرمجته لمن يحب هذا المجال ودراسته فاكورساته ناذرة ومدفوعة 16 ساعة تأخذك بعيد إلى التعمق فى هذا المجال الحيوى الذى أصبح مطلوب بشدة وهو مجال المستقبل لمن يتقنه
What we will learn in this course
Combine the power of Data Science, Machine Learning and Deep Learning to create powerful AI for Real-World applications!
What you’ll learn
Build an AI
Understand the theory behind Artificial Intelligence
Make a virtual Self Driving Car
Make an AI to beat games
Solve Real World Problems with AI
Master the State of the Art AI models
Deep Q-Learning
Deep Convolutional Q-Learning
Artificial Intelligence A-Z™ Learn How To Build An AI
1. Welcome to the course!
2. Part 0 - Fundamentals Of Reinforcement Learning
3. Q-Learning Intuition
4. Q-Learning Visualization
5. Part 1 - Deep Q-Learning
6. Deep Q-Learning Intuition
7. Deep Q-Learning Implementation
8. Deep Q-Learning Visualization
9. Part 2 - Deep Convolutional Q-Learning
10. Deep Convolutional Q-Learning Intuition
11. Deep Convolutional Q-Learning Implementation
12. Deep Convolutional Q-Learning Visualization
13. ---------- Part 3 - A3C ----------
14. A3C Intuition
15. A3C Implementation
16. A3C Visualization
17. Annex 1 Artificial Neural Networks
18. Annex 2 Convolutional Neural Networks
19. Bonus Lectures
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